
Archive for December, 2009

GlassFish Ports on NetBeans

December 21, 2009 1 comment

After modifying the GlassFish webserver ports (http listeners) to more usual values (80/443) within the Admin Console I’ve noticed that the old port appears in NetBeans V6.8 (server properties). When running the web app the web page isn’t opened and a strange message appears at the console: no protocol: ${client.url}

After some investigations I found a simple solution for the problem. Open the file $USER_HOME\.netbeans\6.8\config\GlassFishEE6\Instances\.nbattrs and modify the line below
<attr name=”httpportnumber” stringvalue=”80″/>

Note: The value will be reseted if you close a running NetBeans instance. So it’s recommended to close NetBeans before editing the file.

After starting NetBeans the new port value appears but the error still exists. So the last step is to clean your project and everything works fine 🙂

Categories: NetBeans